Some themes for the next 6 days as the Sun transits through Human Design Gate 6…
This is where we find progress through the concept of friction.
Sex, intimacy, connection, peace, conflict, fighting & war …all involve friction.
Friction can heat things up, allowing for intimacy and connection.
It can also heat things up, leading to conflict.
Gate 6 reminds us to practice emotional discernment about who we are intimate with and who we fight with.
Not everyone gets access to you (whether for sex, connection, or war).
Where do your boundaries need to be maintained, and where can they be dissolved?
Choose what matters based on clarity.
What will truly lead to progress?
This is also about non-sexual connections as well. Who do you let into your inner circle? Who are your people?
Wishing you the highest vibes and deepest lessons of Gate 6.
Loving you,