Gate 44: Coming to Meet – The Gate of Alertness
Human Design Gate 44 is about being instinctually alert to patterns of the past. It’s where we extract the wisdom from our experience and create a better way.
This gate is in Scorpio calling us to do the deep inner work.
…All gates have a lower expression of the themes they contain as well as a higher (more “healthy”) expression.
Gate 44 Lower Expression: You hold back because you fear the patterns of the past will repeat themselves. It’s a feeling of being “stuck,” and not realizing that things can be different.
Gate 44 Higher Expression: You are instinctually alert to what’s possible. You tune into your inner knowing and free yourself from past patterns. You break the cycle!
This can include breaking the chain of dysfunctional family relationships, healing ancestral trauma, and healing your own trauma. It also relates to activities such as what you eat, where you work, who you hang out with, and anything else regarding to your wellbeing. Examples…
Are you overdrinking regularly?
Not getting enough sleep?
Staying in toxic relationships?
Living out of integrity?
Holding back because you’re afraid?
Sacrificing yourself?
Tune in to what you know is the truth and break the pattern!
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